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The Mercuro Event Industry Interview Series: Strategic Trade Show Giveaways

Recently, I had the opportunity to discuss the topic of trade show giveaways with leading promotional product professional Rama Beerfas, CTSM, MAS with Lev Promotions. Rama has been crafting marketing solutions that fuel “Strategic Memorability™” since 2002. We dug deep into the perceived value, deployment considerations, and long-term strategy associated with event giveaway items.

AM: Are giveaways still relevant in the event world today?

RB: Truthfully, when treated as an afterthought, “giveaways” were never relevant as anything more than something people thought they should do rather than as an impactful marketing tool. That said, when a branded product is chosen with purpose and given to recipients with thought (rather than put out as a trick or treat type item), then they are very relevant. In fact, studies show that people of every age group appreciate being given something to help them remember a conversation or interaction with an exhibitor.

AM: What are the best examples of a trade show giveaway item?

RB: There is no such thing as a “best example” of a “giveaway” item. Items are either successful or not based on how they’re chosen and distributed. When a branded product is chosen with thought to the target market and can tie into the giver’s messaging or branding in a significant way, it creates what I call “strategic memorability™.” When it is given with purpose (like a thank you) and in recognition of an attendee having completed a preset qualification criteria (whether the attendee knows that criteria or not), it becomes more successful.

AM: What is the difference between a giveaway and a premium?

RB: They are not mutually exclusive, but a premium is more often a higher perceived value item and is often a recognizable brand name item that may be coveted on the retail market. A premium may not be branded with the exhibitor’s information and should be considered more of a gift than a marketing tool.

AM: How does sustainability play into your choice of giveaway item?

RB: Sustainable giveaways, a subset of eco-responsible products and eco-responsible choices, are important to some clients and many recipients. Personally, I like to offer those eco-responsible options as often as possible, even if there isn’t a specific request for them. I also encourage my clients to make eco-responsible choices by not overbuying and choosing items that will appeal to their target market, so they are put to good use.

AM: What do you think is the “coolest” giveaway?

RB: The “coolest giveaway” is the one where you can measure ROI/ROO. If you’re looking for items that are trendy/cool/hot/popular, then keep in mind that you’ll probably be one of several (maybe 10% or more) of others on the show floor giving out the same type of product. The one that gets kept will be the one that is perceived to be the best by the recipient. The rest will either be given away, left for the housekeeping staff at the hotel, or thrown out.

AM: How does your choice of giveaway items align with your face-to-face marketing strategy?

RB: Your branded products should always be part and parcel of your overall marketing strategy. If you’re presenting people with something that doesn’t tie into your branding, theming and/or messaging, there will be a disconnect and you won’t create that all-important “strategic memorability™” that all your marketing strategies should be trying to create. A promotional product is one tool in your marketing arsenal, but it’s the only one with a physical presence that will be seen, used, and appreciated (when chosen wisely) on a regular basis. After all, your booth might be welcoming, your activations engaging and your invitation-only events the best party ever; but no one gets to take those home with them and some won’t even remember which exhibitor they belonged to in the post-show haze – that branded item should act as the thread to connect them with your conversation or interaction about why they should do business with you!

I’d like to thank Rama for offering her expertise on this ever evolving subject. If you would like to learn more about Rama and her group Lev Promotions, please visit her website.

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