Our blog.

Informative. Sometimes disruptive. Maybe even a bit snarky.

Always worth it.

The Fine [Developing] Art of Virtual Selling

The Fine [Developing] Art of Virtual Selling

What does Virtual Selling mean anyway? I tried to sell something, and it didn’t work? Does it mean I sold something, but for no money with no actual product? Was I playing a new video game that tries to inspire real salespeople to get off their butts and DO something? Or none of the above?

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The Power of the Virtual Private Event

The Power of the Virtual Private Event

There’s an opportunity to take what we’ve learned in 2020 and turn the digital event tool into a new, better platform for things other than trade shows. The same components of a critical trade show can be reimagined as perhaps a sales presentation tool, remote learning platform or dynamic environment for a company meeting.

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The Allure of a Shiny New [Event Marketing] Object

The Allure of a Shiny New [Event Marketing] Object

In the B-to-B world, designers, marketers and sales professionals can fall into the shiny new object trap way too easily when introduced to the “next big thing” promising to deliver extraordinary results, launching their company forward (past our competition). Cue the music…enter the Zoom call masquerading as an online virtual event! Can you hear the THUD?

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