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The Mercuro Event Industry Interview Series: Understanding Disability Inclusion

The Mercuro Event Industry Interview Series: Understanding Disability Inclusion

In this session, we will be discussing the critical topic of disability inclusion with Rosemarie Rossetti, Ph.D. Dr. Rossetti is the founder and CEO of Rossetti Enterprises, a company she established in 1997. However, it was a life-altering event in 1998 that redefined her path.

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The Mercuro Event Industry Interview Series: Strategic Trade Show Giveaways

The Mercuro Event Industry Interview Series: Strategic Trade Show Giveaways

Recently, I had the opportunity to discuss the topic of trade show giveaways with leading promotional product professional Rama Beerfas, CTSM, MAS with Lev Promotions. Rama has been crafting marketing solutions that fuel “Strategic Memorability™” since 2002.

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